Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Wednesday 9th June 2010

7 sets of;

5 unbroken muscle ups
rest 20 secs
5 hspu
rest 20 secs
rehab, multi directional lunges
rest 3 mins

used 7.5kg dbells on the lunges for first 2 sets, then 10kg ones for remainder. Muscle ups remained unbroken throughout and hspu were unbroken until round 5.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Tuesday 8th June

A1. 35 unbroken pull ups; rest 20 secs; 3 sets
A2. Row 400m; rest 5 mins; 3 sets
B. 50 unbroken wallball; rest 2 mins; 3 sets
C. 25 GHD sit ups; rest 1 min; 3 sets

A1+A2 - completed, but very hard

B. Scaled this to 30 reps, simply battered still.

C. Completed.

Monday 7th June 2010

Rested Thursday and Friday of last week.

Saturday 5th June 2010

CrossFit Reading Strength and Power Meet, in association with FK.UK

First 4 events were as follows:
Deadlift 1RM - 175kg (Big PB, up from 162.5kg)
Log Clean and Press @ 80% of bodyweight - This was 60kg for me and i got 9 reps
Truck Pull - no idea on time, but kept it moving and covered the distance ok.
Medley - 30m course involving Prowler, Keg run and flip a big tire 6 times - again, no idea on time, but went at a steady pace.

After the 4 events i was lying in second place and qualified for the semi-finals which were:
Loading event - place 6 objects on a truck of increasing weight
48kg kettlebell
60kg anvil
50kg keg
50kg sandbag
75kg atlas stone
102kg atlas stone
Finished the event, last stone was rough!

Yoke walk of 30(ish)m with 150kg - completed, but slow

After these events, i had pretty much bombed out and finished third overall! Was still happy with this mind, but will put it right next year!

Sunday rested

Monday 7th June 2010

Back to OPT and Games prep for the event at Central Manchester in July.

6 sets of;
30 secs AMRAP of Clean and Jerk, 60kg
30 secs AMRAP of Box Jumps, 24"
30 secs AMRAP of Kettlebell Swing, 32kg
30 secs AMRAP of Double Unders
30 secs AMRAP of Burpees
Rest 10 mins

1 - 53 reps
2 - 63 reps
3 - 60 reps
4 - 61 reps
5 - 53 reps
6 - 64 reps

Tough WOD, still feeling the weekend.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Wednesday 2nd June 2010

In 15 mins, run 2km and in the remaining time get 70kg from the ground to overhead as many times as possible.

Run = 7.42
GTH = 27

Rest 30 mins


20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 Box Jump, 24"
20 Toes to Bar
80kg Overhead Walk for 10m, x 10
20 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jump, 24"
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

18.08 (cut-off for this was 15 mins i believe and so this would officially be classed as DNF)

Rest 20 mins.


Run 400m
3 rounds of;
15 Snatch, 40kg
50 Double Unders
Run 400m



Rest  for a few days before the competition methinks.

Wednesday 2nd June 2010


1 hour trail run with 10kg vest


Snatch Grip Deadlift + Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch (as a complex) x3; rest 2.30


4 rounds of;
35 Wallball
20 Pull Ups



AM - 
7 Thrusters @ 70kg
14 Burpees
21 Pull Ups
14 Burpees
7 Thrusters @ 70kg


Shoulder Press 5x5

50 Double Unders
10 Burpees
40 Double Unders
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees
