Saturday, 29 May 2010

Saturday 29th May 2010

Thursday - OFF



Deadlift @ 55% of 1RM; 6 sets of 2 reps; 45 seconds rest (90kg)
Wallball; 15 reps, x 3 sets; rest 30 seconds
5 mins muscle up practice; 15 reps in triples
Toes to Bar - 3 sets of 10 reps


Hour mobility session with Jowse



15 Deadlift @ 112.5kg
25 Box Jump @ 30"
50 Pull Ups
100 Wallball
200 Double Unders
400m run with 20kg plate


Thursday, 27 May 2010

Wednesday 26th May 2010

A. Unbroken Pull Ups; 20 reps; 5 sets; 2 mins rest
B. Front Squat; 3-2-1; rest 5 mins
C. Tabata Sit Ups
D. Unbroken Double Unders; 30 reps; rest 45 secs.

A. Completed
B. 90kgx3-100kgx2-110kgx1(FAIL), got stuck just above parallel.
C. Subbed for GHD sit ups; 9-9-7-6-6-6-6-7 = 56 Total.
D. Completed

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Tuesday 25th May 2010

Monday - rest day.

Tuesday - 

A. Power Snatch; 3-2-1; rest 5 mins
B. Snatch Pulls; @115% of 1rep in A.; 3 sets of 3; rest 3 mins
C. Tabata press ups - total reps
D. run 400m @ 90% effort; rest 3 mins x2

A. 50kg - 60kg(PB) - 70kg(PB)
B. 80kg across
C. 81 reps total (20-14-10-8-8-7-7-7)
D. 1.21 / 1.11

Good day's training. The 70kg power snatch equals my max legit snatch, better re-test that soon! 

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Sunday 23rd May 2010

A. 30m sprints x3 (3 sets); rest 3 mins
B1. 20 Russian Swings: rest 20 secs (Used 40kg kbell)
B2. 15 unbroken Box Jumps; 3 sets; rest 3 mins (used 24" box)
C. AMRAP Double Unders - 5 attempts, rest as needed.
1 - 21 (Boooooooo)
2 - 60
3 - 63
4 - 100
5 - 106

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Saturday 22nd May 2010

Part 1

Do the following complex unbroken;
6 power clean, 50kg
4 push jerk, 50kg
2 thruster, 50kg

Breathe 5 times

Row 350m

Rest 4 mins between rounds

3 sets

1. 1.49
2. 1.50
3. 1.53

Rest 20 mins

Part 2

3 sets of;

15 burpees
15 toes to bar
15 ring press ups
15 back extension

Rest is the time it took to do the previous set.

1. 3.05
2. 3.27
3. 3.39

Friday, 21 May 2010

Friday 21st May 2010

Hour long session with Jowse on more wacky rehab shizzle then;

A1. Close Grip Bench Press; 1-1-1-1-1, rest 3 mins
A2. 30 Unbroken Pull Ups, rest 3 mins

A1. 70kg-80kg-90kg-95kg(Fail)-92.5kg
A2. All 5 sets unbroken

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wednesday 19th May 2010

3 rounds of;
10 hang power clean, 70kg
run 400m rest 3 mins
3 rounds of;
10 push jerk, 70kg
350m row

Kept a running clock, splits as follows;

1. 2.18
2. 7.21
3. 12.27

1. 18.21
2. 24.40
3. 30.42 (Total time with rest periods)

   15.42 (Time without rest periods)

All hang power cleans unbroken, push jerk broken as follows;

1. 5-2-1-1-1
2. 4-3-1-2
3. 3-3-2-2

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tuesday 18th May 2010

A1. Overhead Squats; 3-3-2-2-1-1, rest 4 mins.
A2. Mixed Grip Pull Ups; 2-3 reps x6 sets, rest 4 mins.

Then 3 rounds of;
20 unbroken Wall Ball
15 unbroken Pull Ups
Rest 2 mins.

A1. 70kg-75kgF(2)-75kg-75kg-77.5kg-80kg
A2. 20kgx3-25kgx3-30kgx3-35kgx2-37.5kgx2-40kgx2

7.32 total time for the unbroken WOD

Rest 3 hours

Then AMRAP in 20 mins of;
21 Ring Dips
21 Kbell Swings, 32kg

4 rounds and up to 12 swings.

Monday 17th May 2010


1 hour trail run on the Pennine Trail.


15 mins muscle up practice working on doubles with turn out at top and bottom

10 rounds of;
10 sprint burpees with jump to touch bar 18" above reach
rest 20 secs
30 double unders
rest 60 secs

All unbroken

15 mins of Turkish Get Up practice. Only used 16kg kbell. 

Friday, 14 May 2010

Friday 14th May 2010

A. Power Snatch - build to a tough one, not a 1RM, quickly; rest as needed
B. 1-10 CTB chin up ladder for time
C. GH Raises @ 1010; 15 x 4; rest 60 sec

A. 60kg
B. 3.54
C. subbed for hip extensions.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Thursday 13th May 2010

A1. Hang Squat Clean: 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 10 seconds.
A2. HSPU, AMRAP x6 sets; rest 3 mins.
B. Front Squat: 3-3-3; rest 2 mins.
C1. Depth Press Ups, AMRAP (-3) x3 sets; rest 10 seconds
C2. Knees To Elbows: 15 unbroken x3 sets; rest 60 seconds

A1. 75kg-80kg-85kg-77.5kg-82.5kg-90kg(PB)
A2. 4-5-5-4-4-5
B. 90kg-90kg-90kg
C1. 12-12-10
C2. yup, yup and yup

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Wednesday 12th May 2010

Enforced Rest week due to unbelievable draining tekkers of having a newborn!

Back to it today with OPT;

3 rounds of;
7 muscle ups
30 kettlebell swings, 32kg


Rested 3 hours

21 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
18 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
15 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
12 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
9 GHD sit ups
50 double unders


Good first session back.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wednesday 5th May 2010

Barbell complex of;

5 unbroken deadlift
5 unbroken hang clean
5 unbroken push press
5 unbroken front squat

Up to 70kg


run 400m

3 rounds of;
15 power snatch, 40kg
35 double unders

run 400m

time - 10.42

then after a 25 minute rest, the finisher from OPT;

2 rounds of;
5 muscle ups
10 unbroken power cleans, 60kg
run 200m


Monday 4th May 2010

Weekend off saw the birth of my daughter Ellie Grace and so eating and sleep has been right out of the window! Accordingly, today's session sucked what little life i had left right out of me!

21 Overhead Squats, 50kg
21 Pull Ups
42 Double Unders
15 Overhead Squats, 50kg
15 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders
9 Overhead Squats, 50kg
9 Pull Ups
18 Double Unders


Floored me! Will re-do this when i'm feeling good to go!