Friday, 30 April 2010

Friday 30th April 2010

Hour long PT with Jowse working on mobility. Hard.

UK and Ireland Sectional WOD 2:

5o double unders
3 rounds of;
3 ground to overhead, 60kg
10 toes to bar
40 double unders
2 rounds of;
3 ground to overhead, 60kg
10 toes to bar
30 double unders
1 round of;
3 ground to overhead, 60kg
10 toes to bar


Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday 29th April 2010

part 1:
for score:
Row 1000m
(BWT in #/avg watts is score)

rest 60 minutes

part 2:
3 attempts:
Squat Clean x 5 touch and go
rest EXACTLY 3 min b/t sets
(highest total for 3 attempts in # is score; no rest at top or thigh or floor)

rest 2 hours

part 3:
As many rounds in 10 minutes:
3 muscle ups
3 Dead Lift - 315#/205#
3 triple unders

Part 1 - time = 3.31.6 (score for OPT - 297 average watts / 166.8lbs = 1.78)

Part 2 - 60kg+65kg+70kg = 195kg (very happy with how easy these felt. In hindsight could've got 80kg on this, bit back was feeling fine - bonus!)

Part 3 - used 130kg instead of prescribed 142.5kg cos of glass back. Got 6 rounds out. There was rounding of the back so will go lighter next time.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday 28th April 2010

3 sets for times:
25 push jerk - 52.5kg
Row 500 m @ 90%
30 box jumps - 30"
rest 5 min

1. 6.27
2. 6.35
3. 6.20

Hard workout.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Tuesday 27th April 2010

A. 25 CTB chin ups - each set for time
(focus is highest speed possible per set - rest 3 min b/t sets x 5)
B. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 4 min
C. L Sit - amsap x 5 attempts; rest 90 sec b/t sets

A. 1 - .44, 2 - 1.05, 3 - 1.17, 4 - 1.35, 5 - 1.47 (first set unbroken, the rest, very)
B. 70kg, 90kg, 100kg, 105kg, 110kg
C. 23secs, 18secs, 22secs, 15secs, 19secs.  Suck

Monday, 26 April 2010

Monday 26th April 2010

Friday had another session with Jowse sorting out my back. It's progressing nicely.

Weekend off.


A1. Hang Power Clean - 2,2,2,1,1; rest 3 min
A2. HSPU - amrap x 5; rest 3 min
B1. Clean Pulls @ 12X0; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
B2. Dips @ 31X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 3 min
C. KBS - 20 heavy swings overhead; rest 1 min x 3

A1. 70kgx2, 75kgx2, 77.5kgx2, 80kgx1, 82.5kgx1
A2. 7 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 (all head to deck, strict)
B1. 90kgx3, 100kgx3, 110kgx3, 120kgx3, 130kgx3
B2. All sets with 10kg weighted vest
C. All 3 sets unbroken with 32kg kbell.

Good day's training. Back is holding and feeling strong. Fingers crossed.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Thursday 22nd March 2010


"The 3D Gauntlet"
In a 30 minute window;
Complete "Grace",
75 knees to elbows, every time you break, do 35 double unders
Then in the remaining time, do AMRAP;
"Half Kelly"
Run 200m
15 box jumps, 20"
15 wall ball

Got 5 full rounds of the AMRAP plus up to 5 wall ball of the 6th round.
Fun wod!

Oh, also got a "Grace" PB of 5.45!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wednesday 21st April 2010


3 rounds for time of;
50 double unders
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans, 60kg



Run 800m
Rest 7 mins
3 rounds

1 - 2.37
2 - 2.42
3 - 2.49

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Tuesday 20th April 2010

warm up / mobility

A1. Clean - 2,2,2,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec
A2. Bench Press - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec

A1. 60-65-70-75-77.5-80-82.5
A2. 70-72.5-75-77.5-80-82.5-85

Only time for part 1 today. Will double up tomorrow. Back is feeling good.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday 19th April 2010

Weekend was a wash out training-wise. Travelled to CF Central London to help coach on the Certification there. Good times, but tiring weekend!


As many rounds in 10 minutes:
1 rep [Power Clean x 1/Jerk x 3 - 70% of 1RM C&J]
20 double unders

Used 62.5kg and got 9 rounds, plus the power clean and 2 jerks.

Back feeling cool.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Thursday 15th April 2010

A. Hang Squat Clean - build quick to a tough 1, not a 1RM effort
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 20 sec
B2. 25 unbroken chin ups; rest 4 min - 5 sets

A. Built up to a pretty comfy 80kg.
B1. 60x3 / 65x3 / 70x3 / 75x3 / 80x3
B2. All unbroken.

Session tomorrow with Jowse (who now wants to be called Dumbledore, not Potter cos apparently he's more badass!)

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wednesday 14th April 2010

A1. OHS @ 42X1; 4-6 x 6; rest 120 sec
A2. Med Grip Pronated Chin Ups + 1/4 BWT; amrap strict x 6 sets; rest 120 sec
B. HSPU skill work - 10 min

A1. 40x6 / 42.5x6 / 45x6 / 47.5x6 / 50x6 / 52.5x6, Tempo was hard...
A2. 6 reps throughout with 17.5kg dbell.
B. Used this as an AMRAP drill. Got 30 reps in 9mins 47secs. Which took 3 mins off my last 30 HSPU for time score! Guess this putting on weight stuff hasn't affected me bodyweight drills negatively!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Tuesday 13th April 2010

Limited time due to a course today so made up yesterday's part 2 from OPT;

100 knees to elbows for time. Every time you break do 35 double unders. The prescription was for unbroken sets of 35, but been as time was an issue, simply got the job done, regardless of broken sets. Still managed about 4 sets unbroken mind.

Time - 11.04

Monday, 12 April 2010

Monday 12th April 2010

Saturday and Sunday off.

Monday 12th April 2010

Mobilised then Part 1 of OPT;

part 1:
7 sets:
5 muscle ups
10 touch and go unbroken Dead Lift - 225#/155#
(on a 2 minute timer; if you fail to complete the sets in 2 minutes, you rest the following 2 minutes then record how many sets you were able to complete on the 2 minutes - 7 is obviously the goal)

All sets completed in the allotted time. Used a pyramid with the deadlifts to see how the back held.
Set 1 @ 70kg
Set 2 @ 80kg
Set 3 @ 90kg
Set 4 @ 100kg
Set 5 @ 90kg
Set 6 @ 80kg
Set 7 @ 70kg

Tough one...

Friday, 9 April 2010

Friday 9th April 2010

Mobilisations and rehab moves. 

North European Sectional Chipper:

35 SDHP, 40kg
50 Box jump, 20"
35 Push press, 40kg
50 Squats
35 Toes-to-bar
50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg
30m Walking lunge, 24kg 
50 Burpees 


Thursday, 8 April 2010

Thursday 8th April 2010

Mobilisation / rehab moves via the Jowsenator.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 unbroken sets of hang squat snatch with 40kg in 19.57

Rest 20 mins

In a 1 minute window, prowler sprint there and back (25-30m course) with 30kg loaded.
In the remaining time, leather the battling ropes.
Rest 2 mins.

5 rounds.

This workout was no. joke. 

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Wednesday 7th April 2010

Hour session with my pal Jowsey Potter. Doing this once a week to keep on top of my mobility and function.

Then fancied the .com WOD.

Row 500m
150 double unders
50 burpees


Back to OPTekkers tomorrow.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tuesday 6th April 2010

Rest, ate chocolate, drank wine.......messy.

A. Push Press @ 12X1; 2-3 x 6; rest 240 sec
B. KBS Unbroken x 30 - 5 sets; rest 1 min b/t sets

A. 60kg, 62.5kg, 65kg, 67.5kg, 70kg, 72.5kg
B. Used a 16kg bell throughout.

4 sets - rest 2 min b/t sets:
15 touch and go power snatch - 60% 1RM
R0w 250 m @ 80%
15 touch and go power snatch - 50% 1RM

Rest 10 min

4 sets - rest 2 min b/t sets:
15 unbroken chin ups
75 double unders
15 unbroken chin ups

60% snatch was 35kg, 50% snatch was 30kg. First set unbroken, Second and third heavily broken, back was tightening up big style so binned the 4th set.
1 - 3.23
2 - 4.02
3 - 4.59
4 - /

Second section as rx'd. times ;
1 - 3.42
2 - 2.54
3 - 3.23
4 - 3.16

Hard session. Finished with barbell lunge walk and built up to x5 on each leg with 90kg.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Saturday 3rd April 2010

Friday was rest dizzle.


part 1:
A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 6,6,4,4,2,2; rest 180 sec
A2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 6; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Walking Lunges @ 10X0; 6/leg x 3; rest 120 sec
B2. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 20 x 3; rest 120 sec

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
5 x [1 min for as many rounds]:
4 burpees
15 unbroken double unders
rest 3 min b/t rounds

A1. 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 105kg (belted and feeling good)
A2. All unbroken.
B1. Used 2 30kg dbells throughout
B2. Subbed for unbroken strict knees to elbows

Rested about 5 hours which included the mother of all desserts (glycogen replenishment right?)

Part 2;

Round 1 - 2 rounds + 4 burpees
Round 2 - 2 rounds + 4 burpees (Got to 7 d/u)
Round 3 - 2 rounds + 4 burpees (Got to 14 d/u, bastardo)
Round 4 - 2 rounds + 4 burpees (Got to 5 d/u)
Round 5 - 1 round + 4 burpees (Then missed a boat load of unbroken sets!)

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Thursday 1st April 2010

Rehab moves.

3 rounds of;

run 800m
rest 3 mins
row 800m
rest 3 mins

aim is to get the same times on all work intervals.

1 - 2.58
2 - 2.56
3 - 2.53

1 - 3.01
2 - 2.56
3 - 2.55